Building a Strong Application Profile – Activities and Achievements That Imp

Admission officers appreciate seeing that students have invested significant effort into their activities, whether that is simply joining a club or competing on an elite varsity team. Compiling an impressive Activities List requires careful thought when organizing, writing descriptions and understanding character limits.

Utilize these time-tested techniques to make your college application shine!


Students’ university profiles are essential in securing admission into their dream university. Academic scores certainly play a part; however, other aspects of your application can help create an impression with university committees as well. Therefore, it is crucial that they build a well-rounded profile showcasing all of their accomplishments and talents in various forms.

The top universities attract applicants from a diverse pool, and are on the lookout for those who will add something of value to campus culture. One way they do this is by conducting holistic evaluations – including course of study, extra curricular activities, community service work and any significant accomplishments outside your field of study.

Students often attempt to demonstrate their diversity by listing numerous extra-curricular activities on their applications, yet this approach often backfires: colleges prefer seeing evidence that an area of your life that is deeply meaningful and represents your interests and passions stands out.

Similarly, if you are applying to a school that values creativity, it would be appropriate to discuss your artistic interests in your essay; conversely, however, discussing your tennis or dance interests would not.

Your letters of recommendation can also help build your profile by showing off how powerful they can be. They’re an integral component of university applications, so be sure to ask teachers for letters that demonstrate your dedication to learning and your academic successes – this gives the admissions committee an understanding of who you are as an individual, as well as how much value they bring to their community.

As you prepare your university applications, keep these time-tested strategies for profile-building in mind. With some planning and hard work, you can craft an impressive profile to wow university committees.


Extracurricular activities can play an invaluable role in improving students’ college applications and helping them transition into new environments more smoothly. Colleges see past grades and test scores when they evaluate applicants; extracurriculars offer insight into passions and interests that lie beyond mere GPA or test score averages.

Activities considered extracurricular can take many forms: clubs, debate teams, sports, marching bands and school-sponsored summer courses/trips all fall under this category. Hobby activities like coding, writing, painting and art as well as volunteering and community service work could also qualify as extracurricular activities depending on how it’s managed and contributed to building skills that contribute directly or indirectly towards student development. Even working part-time at a job could qualify as extracurricular depending on its extent and contribution towards enhancing a student’s skillset.

What’s important here, though, is that students be truly passionate about the activities they undertake. Colleges can quickly detect when an extracurricular is being used solely as part of an application package and will prefer students who have truly dedicated themselves to something they are truly enthusiastic about.

Extracurriculars can also serve as a confidence-booster, whether the student has won a competition, completed a project or taken on new responsibilities in school. Achievements such as these demonstrate hard work and initiative – two qualities college admissions committees take notice of.

Extracurriculars that demonstrate creativity and out of the box thinking can make an excellent first impression with college admissions committees. Such extracurriculars show colleges that an applicant stands out among a pool of applicants and stands out.

Extracurricular activities that emphasize research and learning are sure to impress college admissions committees, providing students an invaluable experience that reveals who they are as individuals while at the same time expanding their world view. Such experiences give a better idea of their capabilities when starting college; furthermore, learning about other cultures fosters empathy and compassion towards others.

Community Service

Community service projects provide students with an outstanding opportunity to demonstrate their dedication and show they want to make a difference. Participation can help foster empathy and compassion towards others while developing leadership abilities as well as providing insight into different socio-economic backgrounds. Furthermore, working collaboratively teaches them valuable lessons in making connections that could come in handy later.

College admissions officers appreciate student involvement and commitment to making their communities better, which volunteering demonstrates. Volunteering can even act as a tiebreaker between equally qualified applicants. Students should take time to reflect upon their experiences and how they’ve affected them in their application essays.

When choosing an activity for community service, students should choose something they are truly passionate about and will pursue for an extended period. The longer students participate in such projects, the greater impact they will have on both themselves and their wider communities.

Students should look for projects that enable them to focus their skillset and meet the needs of an organization, for instance a student with strong organizational abilities might make an ideal candidate for helping to plan an event or leading a group of volunteers.

Students should tailor their community service activities towards the type of career they hope to pursue in the future, for instance volunteering at a vet clinic or hospital is an ideal way to gain experience and demonstrate interest in medical degrees; similarly volunteering in museums and art galleries can benefit those interested in arts and culture careers.

Students reporting their community service on applications should make sure to include details about the name and purpose of the organization they participated in as well as a detailed description of any work performed during that particular activity as well as its date and duration.


At highly selective universities, admissions officers look beyond GPAs and SAT scores for an ideal applicant; they seek an applicant with a robust academic history, varied extra-curricular activities, community service experience, leadership capabilities and other characteristics that stand out. Admission officers from top universities often cite leadership as a primary consideration when making admission decisions, whether in the Common App activities section or college-specific supplementary questions. Leadership gives college applications a competitive edge; it demonstrates determination and character while showing your willingness to make an impactful contribution in the world – qualities coveted by even the most renowned universities. Being a captain for your school’s team or founding and running a non-profit are just two ways leadership can show its value in college admissions processes.

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